Does Suboxone Make You Sleepy? - Garden State Treatment Center

Suboxone is a prescription medication used to treat the symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal. It is made of a combination of buprenorphine and naltrexone – two opioid antagonists that serve similar functions. Suboxone is generally utilized as a part of a Medication Assisted Treatment program, and to be truly effective, it must be combined with intensive counseling or psychotherapy. Medication-Assisted Treatment, more commonly referred to as MAT, is generally only utilized in the case of moderate or severe opioid abuse disorders.

Suboxone is Used in Medication-Assisted Treatment

Commonly abused opioids include illicit drugs like heroin, synthetic drugs like fentanyl, and commonly prescribed painkillers like oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, and morphine. Some symptoms commonly associated with opioid abuse and addiction include:

  • Desiring to cut back on the number of opioids being used but being unable to cut back or quit without professional intervention
  • Experiencing a range of serious consequences as a result of opioid use
  • A lack of motivation to fulfill personal obligations and responsibilities or to participate in activities that were previously enjoyed
  • Building a physical tolerance towards opioids, meaning a larger amount if required for the same effects to be produced
  • Experiencing symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal when use is stopped abruptly

If you or someone you know and love has been struggling with an opioid addiction of any severity, Suboxone might be a good treatment option. However, before committing to any program of Medication Assisted Treatment is important to be thoroughly aware of all potential side effects and risks.

Does Suboxone Make You Sleepy?

What Are the Effects of Suboxone?

Before taking Suboxone, you will want to take the time to look into potential side effects – which might include excessive drowsiness. In short, yes, Suboxone can make you sleepy even if you take it as prescribed. Individuals who are taking Suboxone should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery for this very reason. Additional side effects include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Persistent headaches
  • Profuse sweating
  • Numbness of the mouth and pain in the tongue
  • Chronic constipation
  • Problems concentrating and staying focused
  • Changes to heart rate or experiencing an irregular heartbeat
  • Sleep-related issues like insomnia
  • Aches and pains (especially in the back)
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness/fainting
  • Drowsiness and excessive sleepiness

Suboxone Side Effects Include Being Drowsy and Sleepy

Because the side effects associated with Suboxone can be unpredictable, it is often a good idea to have the administration of this drug closely monitored for at least several weeks. For this reason, taking Suboxone as part of an inpatient or intensive outpatient treatment program is always a good idea. If you would like to learn more about the role that Suboxone plays in comprehensive programs of clinical care, reach out to Garden State Treatment Center today.

Garden State Treatment Center and Medication-Assisted Treatment 

At Garden State Treatment Center we utilize a combination of intensive therapeutic intervention, 12-step program involvement, and medication-assisted treatment whenever we deem MAT necessary. Of course, medications like Suboxone are not appropriate for every individual client. In some cases, medication-assisted treatment will not be necessary at all. This is generally the case if a client is suffering from a mild or moderate substance abuse disorder, or if she or he has been abusing any substance other than opioids. However, in the case of a moderate or severe opioid abuse disorder, medications like Suboxone often prove to be extremely beneficial.

To learn more about the side effects caused by medications like Suboxone or to learn whether or not this treatment option is right for you or your loved one, give us a call today. We are happy to discuss medication-assisted treatment more in-depth, and answer any additional questions or ease any concerns that you might have. At Garden State Treatment Center we consistently offer highly individualized clinical care, always prioritizing the needs and requirements of each client.

Published on: 2021-03-22
Updated on: 2024-05-24