Alcoholism Archives - Garden State Treatment Center

Dangers in Smoking embalming fluid

Drug use can involve many substances, including many that would surprise the uninitiated. Embalming fluid, which contains many dangerous chemicals and is meant for preserving bodies, is commonly used to get high. Some people use the substance to dissolve PCP, a synthetic drug with multiple dangerous properties. Others dip marijuana or tobacco cigarettes into the fluid to increase the effect.

Smoking embalming fluid in any form and for any reason is hazardous. For one thing, PCP and similar drugs are highly addictive. Once the body has become accustomed to the substance, a painful, risky withdrawal process is the only way to break free. Embalming fluid also causes aggressive behavior while bringing a host of health risks, including seizures, brain damage, and cancer.

If you habitually smoke embalming fluid, you need to seek professional care as soon as possible. Medical detox is the only safe way to overcome your addiction, and working with professionals will also give you the best chance to build a clean, healthy life in the months after leaving the drug behind. Embalming fluid might be a dangerous, addictive substance, but options are always available for beating the addiction.

Embalming Fluid Defined

Embalming fluid is commonly used in funeral homes to prepare dead bodies for burial. The main ingredients include formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and methanol, which can help preserve dead tissue but are extremely dangerous when consumed by a living person.

When you see a dead body displayed, it is usually preserved with embalming fluid. You might also recognize the smell of formaldehyde from biology class since it’s often used to prepare dead animals for dissection.

Why People Smoke Embalming Fluid

There are two main reasons people smoke embalming fluid: to consume PCP or enhance the effects of some cigarettes. PCP, a synthetic drug known for its hallucinogenic effects, can’t be dissolved in water. Therefore, many people turn to an embalming fluid to dissolve the drug in a readily-available liquid. Once the drug has been dissolved in the embalming fluid, a user can dip a cigarette into the mixture and smoke it to feel the desired effects. These dipped cigarettes are commonly referred to as “wet drugs.”

Dangers in Smoking embalming fluid

Some users will dip cigarettes into an embalming fluid that doesn’t contain a dissolved substance. The chemicals within the liquid, while dangerous, are said by many to enhance the effects of marijuana or tobacco.

The Drug That’s Mixed With Embalming Fluid

PCP, technically known as phencyclidine, is a hazardous drug with countless problematic side effects. While it’s illegal to manufacture the drug, the ease of production has led to a thriving underground market. Illegal producers can manufacture the drug with simple equipment and inexpensive ingredients, making it almost impossible for authorities to stop production at the source.

In its impure powder form, PCP cannot be dissolved in water, and that’s why many users and dealers have turned to embalming fluid. By dissolving the powder in a liquid, they turn the drug into something to coat cigarettes. This process is designed to make the drug smokable.

Common Lingo: Angel Dust and Sherm

To understand the presence of drugs in your life or your community, it’s vital to grasp everyday slang and popular nicknames for substances. PCP is often referred to as “angel dust,” a likely allusion to the white powdered form that the substance sometimes takes. The word “sherm,” meanwhile, refers to a tobacco or marijuana cigarette that has been dipped in a mixture of PCP and embalming fluid. This seemingly random nickname stems from the cigarettes’ appearance, which resembles Nat Sherman cigarettes.

How Dealers Obtain Embalming Fluid

While embalming fluid is hardly a household good, it’s surprisingly easy to get your hands on. You can buy the substance in bulk from a manufacturer, but most dealers choose a more straightforward route: getting it on the sly from people who work in the funeral home industry. Anyone with the right connections can sneak small amounts of fluid away from a facility without being caught. The daily diversion of embalming fluid from legitimate sources is enough to fuel the illegal trade.

Common Side Effects From Smoking Embalming Fluid

Smoking embalming fluid with or within dissolved drugs inside is dangerous and addictive. Many side effects are associated with the substance, some of which can even prove deadly. While users might consider specific results desirable, there’s no escaping the general destructive nature of the substance.

When someone smokes embalming fluid, they often experience an elevated mood. They’ll notice a sudden rush of adrenaline and a sense of detachment from the problems in their life. Hallucinations and delusions are also common, and they sometimes have deadly consequences. People who have smoked embalming fluid have been known to become angry and aggressive, putting everyone around them at risk. Users can also endanger themselves by acting out their delusions. In some cases, people have jumped off buildings in the false belief that they could fly.

Like alcohol, embalming fluid causes impaired mobility and coordination, making it highly dangerous for anyone operating a motor vehicle. It can also infringe on a person’s memory and even cause total blackouts. Taken together, these side effects make the consumption of angel dust, Sherm’s, and all wet drugs a hazardous activity.

Embalming Fluid Health Risks

As you would imagine, embalming fluid is a highly toxic substance. After all, it’s designed for preserving dead bodies, not contributing to the health of a living organism. Long-term use of the substance can cause several devastating health issues, including cancer, brain damage, lung damage, seizures, tissue destruction, comas, and even death.

Addiction and Treatment

Embalming fluid, primarily when used alongside other drugs, can prove highly addictive. Not only does the mind crave additional highs, but the body comes to depend on the substance for its daily functioning. These addictive qualities make the substance especially dangerous.

Because of its addictive qualities, embalming fluid is tricky for users to quit independently. Not only are cravings all but irresistible, but physical side effects can also prove dangerous. To overcome the substance once and for all, it’s best to go through a professional treatment center.

Why a Medical Detox is Necessary

When the body has become accustomed to embalming fluid, the sudden cessation of consumption can have serious medical consequences. While withdrawal from the substance is rarely deadly, it brings a host of painful side effects. People often experience depression and anxiety alongside intense cravings upon quitting the drug. The strength of these unpleasant symptoms often drives people to relapse and resume their substance use.

Medical detox is the best way to control nasty symptoms and avoid a devastating relapse. The doctors at a treatment center can help individuals through the challenging first week. Once the worst effects of withdrawal have subsided, the newly clean individual can start developing coping mechanisms to defeat the addiction.

Seeking Professional Treatment

Overcoming an addiction is a long, arduous process, and most people struggle to do it alone. Luckily, support structures are available to help people through this challenging process. Facilities like the Garden State Treatment Center provide 24-hour care, giving patients the resources they need to fight through withdrawal and build a better life. Counseling sessions help develop a sense of mental fortitude, and peer groups provide additional moral support.

Smoking embalming fluid is undoubtedly a dangerous activity, but there’s no reason it has to be a death sentence. With the right strategy, it’s always possible to overcome addiction and lead a drug-free life. If you or a loved one are suffering from this addiction, seek professional assistance as soon as possible. A happier, healthier existence could be just a few weeks away.


  • What are the dangers in smoking embalming fluid?

Published on: 2021-11-27
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Is Chocolate a Drug?

Some people have addictive personalities. They tend to fall into the pattern of doing things excessively regardless of what they’re doing. For example, a person with an addictive personality might want to spend every waking moment with their significant other.

They might enter into a romantic relationship and soon scare their partner off because they can’t stand to spend more than several hours alone. They might take up running and soon find themselves running for between three and four hours every single day, despite the looming threat of injury.

Can Considered Chocolate as a Drug?

A person with an addictive personality might find it difficult to limit themselves to social drinking or recreational drug use. They might discover the food they enjoy and begin eating that food several times a day. People are wired differently. What serves as a “drug” to one person might be a casual enjoyment for another. Therefore, when asking the question, “Is chocolate a drug,” well — it depends on who you’re asking. By scientific standards, no, chocolate is not a drug. It’s a dessert. But for someone who has been struggling with a binge eating disorder, chocolate might very well act as a drug.

Is Chocolate a Drug?

Is Chocolate Addictive?

When people think of addictive substances, they tend to think of drugs or alcohol or certain behaviors (like sex and gambling) that stimulate the reward center in the brain. However, according to some studies, including a study recently published by the National Library of Medicine, chocolate can provoke the same behavioral reactions in susceptible persons as chemical substances like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. Not to the same degree, of course — but chocolate can be physically and psychologically addictive. 

According to the study:

Chocolate contains several biologically active constituents (methylxanthines, biogenic amines, and cannabinoid-like fatty acids), all of which potentially cause abnormal behaviors and psychological sensations that parallel those of other addictive substances. Most likely, a combination of chocolate’s sensory characteristics, nutrient composition, and psychoactive ingredients, compounded with monthly hormonal fluctuations and mood swings among women, will ultimately form the model of chocolate cravings. 

Chocolate Can Act as a “Drug” to Anyone Who is Predisposed

Women are more susceptible to chocolate cravings because of the hormonal changes they regularly undergo, but — interestingly enough — chocolate can act as a “drug” to anyone who is predisposed. This is because chocolate can stimulate the brain’s reward center in the way that drugs and alcohol can. So, of course, a person who has been eating chocolate compulsively might be questioned if they attempted to admit themselves into a medical detox program or an inpatient rehab because of an inclination towards Reese’s or Twix bars. But that isn’t to say some degree of treatment isn’t entirely unnecessary. 

Addiction and Eating Disorders Problems

Chocolate is not a controlled substance, and it cannot be prescribed — meaning for all intents and purposes, it is not a drug. However, for a person who has been struggling with compulsive overeating or any other type of eating disorder, chocolate can act like a drug.

Therefore, if you have been struggling with an eating disorder, there is a good chance that some degree of treatment is necessary. In most cases, a 12 step meeting like OA (Overeaters Anonymous) will do the trick. However, if you have simultaneously been struggling with drug addiction or an alcohol abuse disorder, attending a treatment program like Garden State Treatment Center’s provided might be an ideal choice. 

Co-Occurring Disorders Help at Garden State Treatment Center

At Garden State Treatment Center, we treat people who have been struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and a co-occurring disorder. Addiction and eating disorders often go hand-in-hand, either because a person self-medicates psychological symptoms with a chemical substance or because addiction leads to severely disrupted eating patterns. Regardless of what you are currently struggling with, we are available to help.

Simply contact us today either through our website or over the phone, and we will help you get started on your journey of recovery — regardless of what that looks like. We look forward to speaking with you soon and answering any additional questions you might have. 


  • Can you become addicted to chocolate?

Published on: 2021-09-06
Updated on: 2024-10-08

What is the Strongest Anti-Anxiety Medication?

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition in the United States, affecting roughly 14 million men and women over 18. The majority of people who struggle with anxiety suffer from moderate or mild generalized anxiety, though many other varieties — including social anxiety and panic disorder. Most people experience a touch of anxiety on occasion, usually based on their current circumstances.

However, once the circumstance or situation resolves, the anxiety subsides, continuing with their day-to-day life. Unfortunately, for people struggling with a diagnosable anxiety disorder, this panicked feeling never goes away, and over time it becomes entirely crippling. Therefore, if a person is diagnosed with any type of anxiety disorder, they are often treated with a combination of intensive psychotherapy and anti-anxiety medication.

Anti-Anxiety Medications

Also known as benzodiazepines, include brand-name drugs like Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium. Because these drugs can be extremely habit-forming when taken for an extended period. They are generally only prescribed to be taken short-term, like at the onset of a panic attack. But which anxiety medication is the strongest, and which is the most commonly abused?

What Is the Strongest Anti-Anxiety Medication?

The Strongest Anxiety Medications

The strongest type of anxiety medication currently available is benzodiazepines, more specifically Xanax. It is important to note that benzodiazepines are not the only medication used to treat anxiety; however, they are the most potent and habit-forming. Other types of medication commonly used to treat anxiety include:

  • Beta-blockers.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.
  • Anticonvulsant medications.
  • Mild tranquilizers.

If a person wants to stay away from prescription medications completely, some over-the-counter medications can help alleviate the symptoms of an anxiety attack. For example, a person might take acetaminophen with diphenhydramine, something along the lines of Advil PM. However, it is never recommended to self-medicate a disorder of any kind. Doing so can be extremely dangerous.

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Many people who struggle with anxiety disorders simultaneously struggle with substance abuse and dependence. This is known as a dual diagnosis disorder. Dual diagnosis disorders can develop in three distinct ways. First of all, the risk factors for both disorders (anxiety and addiction) tend to overlap.

These risk factors include genetic predisposition, upbringing, and environmental factors. Secondly, someone with an untreated anxiety disorder might be inclined to self-medicate symptoms with alcohol or drugs. Finally, certain drugs can lead to the development of anxiety disorders.

Garden State Treatment Center and Benzodiazepine Addiction Recovery

At Garden State Treatment Center, we understand just how difficult it can be to admit you have a prescription drug problem to yourself, let alone to other people. Rest assured that every one of our admissions counselors has either been through addiction themselves and come out the other side or has helped a family member or close friend through the process.

We will help you with no judgment – with nothing but compassion and understanding. As soon as you decide to contact us, we will begin developing a plan that involves how you will get the treatment you need as quickly as possible.

Get On The Path Of Recovery From Benzo Dependence

We believe that quality clinical care should be readily available to everyone who needs it, especially those struggling with a drug addiction that can be fatal, like a benzodiazepine addiction. Many people mistakenly believe that because a knowledgeable professional prescribes prescription drugs, they are always safe to use. While they are typically safe to use when they’re used as directed, if they are abused, they can lead to a range of serious issues like physical dependence, overdose, and fatality. Call us today to receive the addiction treatment you both need and deserve.


  • What is the strongest anti-anxiety medication?
  • How can anxiety treatment in New Jersey help individuals dealing with both anxiety and addiction?

Published on: 2021-08-25
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Can You Successfully Cheat on a Drug Test?

For as long as drug tests have been around, people have also been doing their part to cheat the system and weasel their way out of having positive drug test results. It always seems like once one cheating method has been prevented, those trying to cheat their way through come up with some new method of deception.

In all honesty, it is possible to successfully cheat on a drug test or at least attempt to, but at some point, your method will fail you, and your cheating ways will get caught. The most commonly attempted drug test people will try to cheat on is a urine sample drug test.

Drug Test

Ways People Try to Cheat During Urine Screens

  1. Adulterants – This method involves adding something to a urine sample after leaving the body and is in the container. Generally, people will smuggle some form of liquid into the testing area. The things people add to the urine test vary and include a wide range of things, including anything from dish soap to eye drops. Adulterants are added to the sample as a way to interfere with the drug testing process and results.

This method is often shut down because collectors can ask you to empty your pockets before the drug test begins. A lab can also administer further testing to tell if a urine sample has been tampered with.

  1. Substitution – One of the most common ways someone will try to cheat a drug test is to bring in “clean urine” with them. Some people may ask a trusted family member or friend to give them clean urine to pass the test. Other people will flock to the Internet, where they will buy synthetic urine. Synthetic urine is just a liquid with the right pH, a specific gravity, and the right amount of creatine needed to fool a drug test successfully.

The temperature of the sample is an important indicator that it is not the person’s actual sample. Urine needs to be within 90-100 degrees to work, so faking it isn’t easy. Drug test collectors can also tell by listening to you whether the sample was provided naturally or not.

  1. Dilution – Many people trying to cheat on a drug test will do their best to flush any evidence of drugs out of their system beforehand by drinking massive amounts of water or other liquids. There are even additives on the market that can enhance this flushing method. However, the way this method is sniffed out is by administering a second drug test later.

What Are the Different Kinds of Drug Tests?

While urine sample drug tests are the most common drug test administered and cheated, it is not the only kind. There are six different kinds of drug tests available. Some tests must be analyzed in a lab, while others can show nearly instant results. Apart from urine tests, there are also:

Blood Tests: Blood tests are the most accurate form of testing, but they are also the most invasive and must be sent to a lab to be analyzed. They can detect alcohol use for up to 24 hours beforehand and cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and marijuana.

Saliva Based Tests: This kind of test provides fast results for recent drug use. It is done with a mouth swab or by spitting in a cup and shows drug or alcohol use within the past few days, depending on the drug.

Hair Follicle Tests: This test does not show the most recent drug use, but shows use from 4 days up to 90 before the test. It can test for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, and PCP.

Breathalyzer Tests: This is used to check for alcohol and is often used by police to test for driving while intoxicated, but anyone can have one.

Perspiration Tests: While this is a newer form of drug testing, it is often used to watch over those who are in recovery from drugs or are on probation. It screens for drugs through a patch that is put on the skin and left for 14 days. It collects sweat and can detect marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD, and opiates.

Get the Help You Need for Substance Use Disorders

If you or a loved one have an addiction to any drug or alcohol it is time to reach out to get help. Garden State Treatment Center has addiction specialists available around the clock, all calls are free and confidential.

It is time to give us a call and let us help you on the path to a healthier and happier lifestyle. We offer a wide variety of addiction treatments and detox programs, so there is something for every level of addiction.


  • Why is it bad to try to cheat on a Drug Test?

Published on: 2021-06-16
Updated on: 2024-10-08

How Does Naltrexone Make You Feel?

Advancements in recent medical technology have given addicts much more of a fighting chance against the scourge of alcoholism and addiction. Before, most addicts had to sweat it out! But now we have drugs like Naltrexone (sold under brand names such as Vivitrol and DaVita).

These drugs are game-changers for many addicts who struggle with the urges to use, which goes for every addict. But it’s not about what Naltrexone makes one feel; it’s about what it makes one NOT feel. The following blog is a resource for any questions you might have about Naltrexone, similar drugs, and whether this MAT treatment might be right for you or a loved one.


How Does Naltrexone Make You Feel?

Naltrexone is a medication primarily used to manage alcohol and opioid dependence. It works by blocking the effects of opioids and reducing alcohol cravings. Naltrexone does not produce feelings of euphoria or sedation, as it is not an opioid or a central nervous system depressant.

While the effects of naltrexone may vary between individuals, it is typically well-tolerated and does not produce significant noticeable effects on its own. Some individuals may experience minor side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness, or gastrointestinal discomfort when starting naltrexone treatment. These side effects are generally mild and tend to diminish over time.

When taken as prescribed, naltrexone’s primary effect is to help reduce the desire to use alcohol or opioids by blocking the rewarding effects of these substances. It works by occupying the opioid receptors in the brain, preventing other opioids from binding to and activating them. By blocking these receptors, naltrexone can help reduce cravings and make it less likely for a person to experience the reinforcing effects of alcohol or opioids.

It is important to note that naltrexone should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional, and the specific effects and response to the medication may vary from person to person. If you have questions or concerns about naltrexone or its effects, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider who can provide personalized information based on your specific situation.

How Does Naltrexone Work?

Naltrexone is a drug that works uniquely. But first, let’s understand how alcohol and opioids make someone feel high: when alcohol or opiates (heroin, morphine, Percocet, amongst others) are released into the brain, the substance binds with special receptors in the brain. These receptors then release three dopamine which is responsible for the euphoric feelings associated with drugs.

The chemical in Naltrexone works by binding with these opioid receptors in the brain and blocking them from binding with anything else. In other words, the “high” feeling one gets from being drunk or on opiates is significantly reduced. With this perceived benefit out of the picture, using alcohol or opiates doesn’t look so “sweet” to the addict’s mind as it did before, and the urge to use is reduced.

Is Naltrexone Similar to Methadone or Buprenorphine?

Although Naltrexone works similarly to methadone and buprenorphine, it blocks the opioid receptors in the brain. But there is one key difference: Naltrexone won’t get the patient high and can not be abused. Again, this is because it’s a non-addictive subsistence.

Unfortunately, some of the other drugs designed to do the same black opioid receptors, they extenuate addiction problems. For example, methadone is infamous for becoming another currency for addicts to deal in. Addicts pick up their methadone for the day, don’t use it, sell it, or trade it for their drug of choice. Naltrexone takes this factor out of the equation.

In Which Form Is Naltrexone Available?

Naltrexone comes in a few different forms. It commonly comes in pill form, which is prescribed daily by a doctor. A daily prescription is that adherence is hard to control as the addict’s mind is not healthy. If an addict truly wants to get high or drunk that day, they could skip their dose. This is a more successful method of taking Naltrexone. This is in the form of an intramuscular injection every month.

This method is ideal for attics that are struggling with the urge to use it. The choice to get drunk or high on their drug of choice is taken out of the equation. Unfortunately, Naltrexone only blocks that euphoric feeling from alcohol or opiates. Other drugs are not affected. And if someone is truly unable to embrace their sobriety, they might switch to another drug for a while.

Is Naltrexone Dangerous?

Naltrexone can be dangerous. For alcoholics, alcohol will still affect the body even though it’s not getting the brain high. Judgment and motor skills can still be affected. Opiate addicts need to be careful because if they take their dose of Naltrexone before they have completed withdrawals, the prescription could send them into accurate withdrawal syndrome, which is very painful.

Learn More About Medication-Assisted Treatment

As always, any drugs taken for addiction should have complied with certified drug counseling from an accredited rehab center. If you or a loved one have an addiction to Naltrexone, contact us; one of our specialists can help you on the path to sobriety. All calls are free and confidential, and we are available around the clock. Time to start your recovery to live a happier and healthier life.


  • How long does it take for low dose naltrexone to work?
  • Does Naltrexone reduce cravings?

Published on: 2021-06-11
Updated on: 2024-10-08

What Happens if You Snort Suboxone?

Suboxone is a medication that is prescribed for the treatment of opioid addiction. It is made up of two main ingredients. The opioid buprenorphine, which is a mild opioid medication used to treat the pain of withdrawals, and naloxone, an opioid antagonist which blocks the opioid receptors in your brain from preventing you from getting high on any opioids if you do still try to take opioid drugs. Suboxone’s main intended purpose is to reduce drug cravings and block you from being able to use them as well.

What Happens if You Snort Suboxone?

More About Suboxone Abuse

Suboxone abuse mostly occurs with people who have previously been known to abuse other opioids. It is considered abuse anytime it is used more than prescribed, it is used to get high, it is bought from anyone other than a pharmacist, use combine with other drugs or alcohol, used longer than you’re supposed to, or it is ingested in a way it isn’t meant. The majority of people that become addicted to any opioid most likely never meant for it to happen, and this goes for Suboxone as well.

Serious Health Impacts Caused by Snorting Suboxone

When Suboxone is taken sublingually (under the tongue) as it should be, it will enter the bloodstream in roughly 15 minutes. When this drug is crushed up and snorted, the sensitive nasal tissues will make this drug much quicker and send it directly to your bloodstream. That means it makes its way to the brain much faster. When it is snorted, you will receive all of the active ingredients at the same time rather than it being released over a longer period into the body. This will lead to numbness, nausea, and euphoria.

Snorting Suboxone can create a serious impact on a person’s health. The brain, lungs, nasal passages, and throat will all be in direct danger. Snorting Suboxone when it is meant to be taken sublingually will also increase the chances that the drug’s side effects and other dangers are much more likely as well. This can include:

  • Overdose
  • Sinus infections
  • Nosebleeds
  • Damage to the vocal cords
  • Sleep apnea
  • Pneumonia
  • Increased dependency on the drug
  • Behavioral changes
  • Withdrawals
  • Lack of impulse control
  • Cravings

There is absolutely no safe way to snort Suboxone. It is not designed to be safe this way. The only safe way to ingest this medication is by placing the tablet under the tongue. It is also not meant to be taken for long periods. When it is snorted, your chances of becoming addicted to Suboxone increase and so do the likelihood you will take this drug long term. This drug should only be used as an aid to detox, withdrawal symptoms from other opioids, and in conjunction with therapy.

Potential Complications After Suboxone Overdose

Snorting Suboxone also increases the likelihood of an overdose. When a fatal dose is taken, your body will be unable to get enough oxygen to your bloodstream. In high doses, Suboxone is a central nervous system depressant. If enough time passes after you have overdosed, you could eventually stop breathing and pass away.

Garden State Treatment Center and Opioid Addiction Treatment 

While Suboxone is an incredibly useful medication for opioid addiction when it is taken properly, it is still a dangerous substance. Unfortunately, a medication with the sole purpose to combat opioid addiction can also be abused and cause addiction. If you are someone who has become addicted to Suboxone, you too can overcome your addiction, and then the real recovery can begin. Drug addiction isn’t an easy thing to face. Luckily you do not have to face it on your own. We at Garden State Treatment Center can help you put your life back on track.


  • What does Sublingually mean?

Published on: 2021-06-09
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Can You Overdose on Naltrexone?

Naltrexone is an FDA-approved prescription medication that is typically used in medication-assisted treatment for both opioid addiction and alcohol abuse. It comes in both an injectable form and a pill form. The pill form, called ReVia or Depade, is taken once per day on a 50 mg tablet. The injectable version is an extended-release option, called Vivitrol, and is given once per month in a 380 mg dose.

How Naltrexone Works?

Naltrexone works on the body by blocking the sedative and euphoric effects of drugs like heroin, morphine, codeine, and any other opioid or opiate drugs or medications. Naltrexone binds to the opioid receptors in the brain and blocks any other opioids from binding as well. It also helps to reduce any cravings for opioid drugs.

When you take Naltrexone while there are any opioids left in your system, you will experience some pretty rough side effects, as it will almost instantly cause you to have withdrawal symptoms. It is always advised to detox for no less than 7-10 days from any opioid drugs before starting Naltrexone.

Can You Overdose on Naltrexone?

Naltrexone Abuse Potential

So many people have this same question in mind. Can Naltrexone be abused? As of now, there are no known risks for abuse or addiction that are associated with Naltrexone. When this drug is taken at any dose, it does not cause any sort of euphoric high. Other maintenance drugs such as Suboxone or Methadone do come with a risk of abuse and addiction, however.

Oftentimes, someone who comes into a rehab facility for addiction to one of these substances is given Naltrexone because it is nonaddictive. Suboxone and Methadone differ from Naltrexone because they activate the opioid receptors whereas Naltrexone binds to it and blocks those receptors from working.

Can You Overdose on Naltrexone?

While becoming addicted to Naltrexone is unlikely, the risk of an overdose is still absolutely possible. When you use opioids while you are taking Naltrexone, the mixture can be deadly. This is because Naltrexone blocks any euphoric effects of opioid drugs and medications, so when you try to take them while on Naltrexone you will not feel any effects.

Some people will continue to increase the dose so that they can get the high that they crave. This will lead to an overdose and/or death. While you don’t get high, you are still taking a lethal dose of whatever opioid you are ingesting.

It is also important to note that former drug users who used Naltrexone will now have a lowered tolerance to the drugs that once got them high. Oftentimes, when someone relapses, they will take the same dosage amount they were taking before they got sober and overdose that way as well.

Addiction Help with Naltrexone

If you think taking Naltrexone can be helpful for your opioid addiction and could be a helpful tool in getting and keeping yourself sober, you need to take steps beforehand so that it can be the most successful and you will not experience any symptoms.

We recommend you participate in a medical detox before starting this treatment so that you can ensure there are no drugs left in your system first. After starting your treatment, we recommend this medication being used in conjunction with other forms of addiction treatment like long-term treatment, therapy, and support groups.

Addiction is a very hard thing to face, but Naltrexone can be a helpful tool to getting you back on the right path. If you need help getting started, Garden State Treatment Center is here to help you overcome your challenges and change your life.


  • As an alcoholic, is there a chance I can overdose on naltrexone?
  • What happens if you inadvertently take a double dose of Naltrexone?

Published on: 2021-06-07
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Does Crack Cocaine Affect the Lungs?

Cocaine has been a devastatingly addictive drug to users ever since its appearance in the club scenes and discotheques of the 1970s. Perhaps even more destructive was the crack cocaine epidemic (also known as ‘rock’)  that began in the early 1980s and still has its deadly hold upon thousands of addicts today.

Crack cocaine is a highly concentrated version of the drug that when smoked, produces a short high that overwhelms the brain’s pleasure centers and is incredibly habit-forming. Users can become addicted after trying the substance only a handful of times and the results are often catastrophic to the addict’s life and their body.

Crack Cocaine Affects Many Organs Including the Lungs

As addiction to crack cocaine intensifies, smokers are no longer able to achieve the same high with the same amount of substances. Because of this, it is extremely common that addicts require more and more to satisfy their urges. This only creates more problems for them in their personal lives and again, for their bodies. Heavy users may need to spend upwards of $500 per day to stay high and need to be smoking crack nearly constantly. This abuse, of course, has a tremendously negative effect on the body and particularly the lungs.

Does crack cocaine affect the lungs?

Long-Term Effects of Crack Cocaine Use on the Body

People who have suffered from an addiction to cocaine are particularly at risk for certain effects from their use, especially when the addiction was to crack cocaine. Research has found that prolonged crack cocaine abuse created issues with not only lung health (known as ‘crackling) but with heart health as well!  One study conducted by the National Institute of Health describes one study on the effects of crack addiction on one particular user.

 A 33-year-old woman developed acute bilateral pulmonary infiltrates after the intense use of rock cocaine. She subsequently had progressive deterioration of pulmonary function to the point of being ventilator-dependent. (NIH)

Effects upon the body of the user are also compounded with the general effects of addiction including limited food intake, deprioritization of personal health matters, frequent unsafe sexual situations, and, of course, depression. Even abstaining crack users struggle with the constant threat of relapse which is often magnified when ingesting any other mind-altering chemical such as alcohol or marijuana. The risk of relapse is even more severe in urban areas where the drug proliferates.

Recovery from Crack Abuse and Healing for the Body

The only way to curb the cataclysmic damage of addiction is to live a healthy and vibrant life free from chemical use. Unfortunately for so many addicts, envisioning life without their drug is unimaginable, much less one that is happy, sustainable, and productive. Recovery from any substance is nearly impossible to achieve on one’s own without the help of trained professionals.

This is because addiction has so much more to do with than simply abstaining from the drugs. Even if an addict is fortunate enough to kick their habit with will-power alone,  dealing with the stresses of everyday life can often prove too difficult driving the addict back to their unhealthy source of comfort: substances.

There Is Hope for Crack Cocaine Addicted Individuals

If you or someone you love is struggling with a dependence to crack cocaine, alcohol, or any other drug, Garden State Treatment Center is the first step towards regaining independence. Unfortunately, abstinence is not enough. Our comprehensive and evidence-based treatment works with a myriad of treatment options to keep patients off of substances for good.  Your life or the life of your loved one is too important to lose to the evils of addiction. Contact us for a free consultation and start to heal today!


  • Do your lungs and organs recover after Crack Cocaine abuse?

Published on: 2021-03-03
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Was Cocaine Once a Legal Prescription Drug?

Many drugs that currently are illegal and carry criminal penalties began as useful medicinal therapies, such as opiates, cocaine, MDMA, and amphetamines. They were legal and were often available over the counter at pharmacies or through licensed sellers.

Besides being legal, some drugs were even in our food products such as cocaine. The definition of cocaine, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), states that cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America.

Was Cocaine Once a Legal Prescription Drug?

Cocaine Was Legal in the Early 20th Century

For a long time, cocaine was a legally distributed drug and an active ingredient in several products. Sigmund Freud used to take it himself and give it to his close friends for depression and sexual impotence. The drug was first labeled as a pharmaceutical for those with low energy and as an energy-boosting supplement for athletes. By the turn of the 20th century, cocaine could be found in many products, including Coca-Cola and even margarine, and was regularly prescribed as a cure-all for ailments ranging from morphine addiction to asthma to tuberculosis and hay fever.

Cocaine Use Leads to Addiction and Abuse

Eventually, reports were popping up of cocaine addiction that sparked concern that the drug posed a serious threat to the health and safety of its users. Local and state lawmakers began to restrict cocaine use, and eventually, the federal government stepped in to try to stop the drug abuse, including cocaine, with the passage of the Harrison Act of 1914. The law banned non-medical uses of the drug. Although health care providers can use it for valid medical purposes, such as local anesthesia for some surgeries, recreational cocaine use is illegal and is no longer prescribed.

On the street, cocaine looks like a fine, white, crystal powder. Dealers often mix it with things like cornstarch, talcum powder, or flour to increase profits. They may also mix it with other drugs such as the stimulant amphetamine, or synthetic opioids, including fentanyl. Adding synthetic opioids to cocaine is especially risky when people using cocaine don’t realize it contains this dangerous additive. Increasing numbers of overdose deaths among cocaine users might be related to this tampered cocaine.

How Cocaine is Used Now to Get High

Even though it is illegal, users still crave the euphoric stimulant high it creates. There are many ways that cocaine can be used. One popular method is by snorting cocaine powder through the nose. Another is by dissolving the cocaine into a liquid and injecting it intravenously. Combining cocaine with heroin, called a Speedball, is another way.

Another cheaper and most popular way of using cocaine is by smoking it. The powder form is processed and concentrated to form a rock crystal (known as a crack rock or rock cocaine). The rock is heated up to the point of releasing vapors, which are then inhaled into the lungs (known as freebasing).

Cocaine is very easy to overdose from. It is commonly used, simultaneously, with other drugs and/or alcohol, which are deadly combinations and can lead to accidental overdoses.

Treatment for Cocaine Abuse and Dependence

If you or a loved one think they may be addicted to cocaine and want help, Garden State Treatment Center can get you on the right track. Our customized and personalized drug addiction treatment programs are guided by individual treatment plans that tackle co-occurring disorders. These include disorders such as ADD/ ADHD, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety.

Psychological or emotional distress often leads to self-medication and drug abuse and is a big contributing factor to chemical dependency. Treating drug addiction without tackling these underlying psychological problems is not effective, that’s why we have a dual diagnosis treatment program. Start living today!


  • Can I get a legal prescription for cocaine?
  • Why do young people use cocaine?
  • Is cocaine used primarily by wealthy people?

Published on: 2021-02-21
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Which Type of Alcohol is the Most Dangerous?

Alcohol abuse is one of the most serious public health threats that Americans currently face – and it has been a major area of concern for quite some time. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 14.1 million Americans over the age of 18 had a diagnosable alcohol use disorder in the year 2019 alone. More men struggle with alcohol use disorders than women – 8.9 million as compared to 5.2 million, respectively.

Alcohol abuse is not the only danger involved in excessive alcohol consumption. According to the same NIDA report, roughly 95,000 Americans lose their lives to alcohol-related causes on an annual basis. When considering alcohol and how dangerous it is for several reasons, you might be wondering whether or not one type of alcohol is more dangerous than another.

Is Alcohol Dangerous to the Body?

When it comes to alcohol abuse and dependence, men and women who struggle with excessive alcohol consumption tend to convince themselves that one type of alcohol is less dangerous, less habit-forming, or generally safer to use. For example, someone who struggles with alcoholism might convince themselves that beer is safer to drink than liquor, seeing as beer has a lower alcohol content. The truth is that all alcohol is equally as harmful when substance abuse or dependence is involved. For more information on alcohol abuse, reach out to us today.

types of alcohol

Most Dangerous Types of Alcohol 

Even though drinking is never safe for an individual who has been struggling with substance abuse, there are some particularly dangerous types of alcohol currently in circulation. The most dangerous types of alcohol are as follows:

  • Everclear – This type of grain alcohol is 190 proof in its purest form, making it the most dangerous kind of alcohol a person can consume. Even two shots of Everclear can land a person in the emergency room – easily.
  • Absinthe – Traditionally, this type of alcohol is made with wormwood, which is a naturally occurring hallucinogen. Additionally, many types of Absinthe are around 70% alcohol.

There are also many dangerous cocktails – for example, The Four Horsemen is a “cocktail” made up of four different shots of pure liquor, and a Long Island is an “iced tea-tasting” cocktail made from five different types of liquor and a splash of Coca-Cola. Again – and we can’t stress this enough – there is no “safe” liquor or cocktail when it comes to alcoholism. Alcoholism is a disease that revolves around a mental obsession with alcohol. Even one sip of an alcoholic beverage that others would consider mellow can be enough to send someone struggling with alcoholism into a serious downward spiral.

Recovery from Alcoholism is Possible

If you or someone you love has been suffering at the hands of an alcohol abuse disorder, Garden State Treatment Center is available to help. Our program of alcohol addiction recovery is integrated, meaning that it tackles the underlying causes of alcohol addiction as well as the symptoms themselves. Because alcoholism is such a complex disease, a multi-faceted approach to clinical care is always necessary. We utilize a range of evidence-based therapies, 12-step support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, and the careful development of highly personalized aftercare plans. Alcohol addiction recovery is not a journey that simply ends once inpatient treatment has concluded. Aftercare is essential to long-term success.

Alcohol Rehab at Garden State Treatment Center 

At Garden State Treatment Center we thoroughly treat all symptoms related to alcohol abuse and dependence. We teach our clients how important complete abstinence is, and how all forms of alcohol are extremely dangerous to those with a personal history of substance abuse. To learn more about our personalized recovery program or to learn more about the most dangerous types of alcohol, call Garden State Treatment Center today. We look forward to speaking with you and answering any additional questions you may have.


  • How is liquor made?
  • What is the most dangerous alcohol?
  • Which alcohol is bad for health?
  • Which Type of Alcohol is the Most Dangerous?
  • Is wormwood psychedelic?

Published on: 2021-02-14
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Is Valium Used for Treating Panic Attacks?

Some of us deal with a lot of pressures on a day-to-day basis. From school to work, family or marital problems, the stress of wondering if we are going to be able to keep food on the table or pass that exam that will determine if we graduate with a degree. We all have stressors and some of us may develop anxiety to the point of exhaustion or insomnia; some of us to the point where we can’t function. So needing a quick fix to be able to get back to work or school we visit the doctor to help us out

Many of us feel anxious from time to time but for some people, ongoing anxiety can affect your ability to function at home, school, and work. Sometimes it can get to the point of having a panic attack. Treating panic attacks often involves talk therapy and antidepressant medications such as Benzodiazepines.

Valium and Panic Attacks

One of the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines or benzos is Valium. It is one of many medications prescribed short-term for the treatment of panic attacks. In addition to panic attacks, Valium also treats several other conditions, including:

  • Acute alcohol withdrawal
  • Skeletal muscle spasms
  • Seizure disorders
  • Chronic sleep disorder
  • Anxiety

Is Valium Used for Treating Panic Attacks?

How Does Valium Work?

Valium works by impacting the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. GABA is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is connected to the regulation of sleep, relaxation, and anxiety. When influencing the GABA receptors, Valium slows down the central nervous system.

The reason for the short-term use is because, after a few weeks, most people will develop a physical dependence. It doesn’t matter if you were taking the prescription as directed, there is a high chance that once you stop taking the drug, you will start to have some form of withdrawal after a few hours or days.

Becoming Dependent on Valium

Over time, it is harder for a Valium abuser’s brain to function normally without the drug. Even though, some people addicted to Valium may not even realize they have a problem. Taking Valium for longer than 4-6 weeks, even with a prescription from a doctor, increases the likelihood of becoming dependent on the drug and most likely addicted.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) explains:

Dependence develops when the neurons adapt to the repeated drug exposure and only function normally in the presence of the drug. When the drug is withdrawn, several physiologic reactions occur.

One of the most obvious symptoms of a Valium addiction is needing larger doses to feel the drug’s effects. Other signs of an addiction to Valium include:

  • Strong cravings for the drug
  • Isolation from family and friends
  • Continued use despite problems caused by the drug
  • Loss of interest in once enjoyable activities
  • Ignoring obligations

Once a person has a tolerance to Valium’s effects, they could also have withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking it. Valium withdrawal can be uncomfortable and life-threatening, which makes it hard for people addicted to quit on their own. The symptoms of withdrawal are intense, and many people addicted to Valium need the drug to feel normal.

The withdrawal symptoms of Valium are very similar to withdrawal from alcohol. Both are probably the worst withdrawal you could experience and the only you could die from if you don’t have supervised medical detox. You can feel anxious and have flu-like symptoms. They can be severe or mild and they can come and go.

Valium Rehab at Garden State Treatment Center

Due to the risks associated with Valium detox, this process should only be carried out under medical supervision. At Garden State Treatment Center, we offer a Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) program that is perfectly suited to assist our clients that need to build a strong relapse prevention plan.

Recovery from substance abuse takes more than good intentions or determination. When a family member is struggling with addiction, it is important to get them the right kind of help. Attempting on your own to recover exposes you to a higher risk of experiencing a relapse. With the right professional care, you can come off clean in a gradual, stress-free manner.


  • Is Valium Used for Treating Panic Attacks?

Published on: 2020-10-30
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Can Naltrexone Get You High?

Naltrexone is a medication used for the treatment of opioid abuse disorders – and in some cases, alcohol abuse disorders. The Food and Drug Administration approved medication is non-narcotic (meaning that it has no addictive properties) and it can be taken orally in a pill form or intravenously in an injectable form. This medication is not available over the counter, but it can be prescribed by any medical professional who specializes in addiction. In many cases, this medication is prescribed in a medical detox setting to help alleviate symptoms associated with opioid or alcohol withdrawal. If this medication is prescribed in a medical detox setting the prescribing physician will wait for between seven and 10 days after the last use to begin the course. This is because the risk of precipitated withdrawal increases if the opioid narcotic or alcohol is not completely cleared from the system.

More About Using Naltrexone

At Garden State Treatment Center we utilize Naltrexone when we deem doing so necessary, seeing as it does have many clinical benefits. However, we always use this specific medication in conjunction with a comprehensive program of therapeutic recovery. Medication-Assisted Treatment is never a stand-alone solution, and it must be coupled with a comprehensive continuum of clinical care to be truly effective.

Naltrexone is a medication used for the treatment of opioid abuse disorders. If you abuse this drug can it get you high?

Can Naltrexone Get You High?

In short, there is very low risk – if any risk – of Naltrexone being abused. Even when taken in extremely high doses it does not produce euphoric effects. This specific medication was specifically designed to help men and women who have been suffering at the hands of a substance abuse disorder – therefore, it was developed to be non-habit-forming and extremely safe. In comparison to other medications that are used to treat opioid addictions like Suboxone and methadone, the risk of Naltrexone abuse is extremely low – essentially nonexistent. For this reason, the Garden State Treatment Center is far more inclined to utilize this medication before attempting to try any others. If you have been suffering from an opioid or alcohol addiction, this medication will prove to be extremely beneficial.

How is Naltrexone Used?

Naltrexone is ingested orally in a pill form or administered intravenously in an injectable form. Naltrexone is different from buprenorphine and methadone in the sense that it binds to and blocks opioid receptors within the brain, preventing the physical and psychological effects of opioid abuse while simultaneously diminishing cravings. This means that if someone sober for any length of time relapses on opioids, they will not feel the desired effects. The same is true of alcohol.

Naltrexone Efficacy

Naltrexone has been repeatedly proven as a successful component of early recovery. At Garden State Treatment Center we often utilize this specific prescription medication because it cannot be abused and because it is entirely harmless when taken as prescribed. Again, all Medication-Assisted Treatment methods are meant to be used in conjunction with a comprehensive and individualized program of therapeutic care.

Possible Dangers and Side Effects of Naltrexone

When it comes to the dangers and side effects associated with Naltrexone, there are typically very few. Those who are allergic to the medication might develop an uncomfortable skin rash which will typically resolve within several days after the first use. Some of the more rare side effects associated with naltrexone include:

  • Discomfort while urinating or infrequent urination
  • Blurred vision and eye irritation
  • Stomach cramping/abdominal cramping
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Mental changes, including increased anxiety or depressed mood
  • Significant weight gain
  • Swelling of the appendages
  • Auditory and visual hallucinations
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Itchy skin and more severe skin rashes

If you are currently taking Naltrexone and you have been experiencing any adverse effects, you must seek medical attention immediately. If you have been considering taking naltrexone for the treatment of an opioid or alcohol abuse disorder, reach out to Garden State Treatment Center today for additional information.

Published on: 2020-10-18
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Dangers of Mixing Buprenorphine and Methadone

A medical doctor will rarely prescribe buprenorphine to be taken at the same time as methadone combining these two medications can be extremely dangerous and increase the risk of heart-related issues significantly. Buprenorphine is used in Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) as a way to effectively and safely treat opioid addiction. It is important to note that MAT is a short-term solution, and to be effective it must be combined with a comprehensive and intensive program of therapeutic recovery.

Methadone is another medication commonly used for the treatment of opioid addiction – however, this specific medication can be habit-forming when taken other than as prescribed, and many reputable rehab facilities have made the switch from methadone to buprenorphine because of this.

The Dangers of Mixing Buprenorphine and Methadone

Buprenorphine and methadone are both opioids that are commonly used in the treatment of opioid addiction. Combining these medications can be dangerous and should be done only under the supervision of a healthcare professional experienced in addiction treatment. Some potential dangers of combining buprenorphine and methadone include:

  1. Respiratory Depression: Like other opioids, both buprenorphine and methadone can suppress breathing. Combining them may intensify this effect, leading to potentially life-threatening respiratory depression.
  2. Sedation: Both drugs can cause sedation. When taken together, this effect may be amplified, leading to extreme drowsiness or unconsciousness.
  3. Increased Risk of Overdose: Combining two opioids increases the risk of overdose, which can be fatal.
  4. Precipitated Withdrawal: Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist, which means that it can sometimes cause withdrawal symptoms in individuals who are dependent on other opioids, like methadone. If buprenorphine is taken too soon after methadone, it can precipitate withdrawal symptoms.
  5. Complex Drug Interactions: Methadone is known to interact with many medications. Adding buprenorphine to the mix can complicate the pharmacology and potentially lead to unpredictable effects.
  6. Cardiac Issues: Methadone can cause changes in the heart’s rhythm. Combining it with other medications may exacerbate this effect.
  7. Impaired Cognitive and Motor Function: Combining these medications can impair cognitive and motor function, which can be dangerous, especially if driving or operating heavy machinery.

Given these potential risks, it’s crucial that individuals not combine buprenorphine and methadone without the guidance and supervision of a healthcare professional. If you or someone you know is considering or is currently using these medications, I strongly advise consulting a healthcare professional to discuss safe treatment options and to understand the potential risks involved.

Medical Treatment for Opioid Dependence

At Garden State Treatment Center we treat men and women of all ages in New Jersey and all surrounding areas. While we do utilize MAT when our medical deems doing so necessary, we will never combine two medications – especially not buprenorphine and methadone.

If you have been actively abusing opioids or using these two medications simultaneously, seeking professional treatment will be necessary. To learn more about our individualized program of addiction recovery, give us a call today.

Dangers of Mixing Buprenorphine and Methadone

Learn More About Methadone 

Methadone is an opioid itself, though its psychoactive effects are significantly less intense, dangerous, and potentially habit-forming than drugs like heroin, fentanyl, and oxycodone. This medication used to be widely used for the treatment of opioid addiction – nowadays, there is a wide range of safer alternatives that are known to be less habit-forming.

Mixing methadone with another opioid antagonist or partial opioid antagonist is never a good idea. Doing so is liable to result in a series of serious health-related complications, including heart palpitations, potential heart attack, nausea and vomiting, severe anxiety, and panic attacks.

Learn More About Buprenorphine

Buprenorphine is a partial opioid antagonist, meaning that it blocks the effects of opioids and reduces symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal. A medication that is a partial opioid antagonist mimics the effects of opioid narcotics like heroin, prescription painkillers, and synthetic opioids, but it does not provide the same intoxicating effects. This specific medication also has what is known as a “ceiling effect.”

This essentially means that once a certain dosage is taken the effects no longer continue to increase, making the potential for abuse significantly lower than for other, similar medications. This medication is used to alleviate withdrawal symptoms while significantly reducing the psychological cravings that often lead to relapse.

Opioid Rehab at Garden State Treatment Center 

Garden State Treatment Center is one of New Jersey’s premier drug and alcohol treatment centers. Our comprehensive continuum of clinical care is both licensed and accredited, meaning that we hold ourselves and all of our experienced staff members to an extremely high standard. If you or someone close to you has been combining medications like buprenorphine and methadone, they must seek professional medical care immediately. Detoxing off of these two medications can prove to be extremely dangerous when the symptoms of withdrawal are not overseen and treated by a team of experienced professionals.

As soon as you give us a call, we will set to work on developing a reasonable intake plan. Our admissions process is quick and straightforward, and our team of admissions counselors will gladly take care of the finer details. We know how overwhelming and stressful committing to inpatient treatment can be. We are here to make the process as easy as possible for you and your loved ones. To learn more about our drug and alcohol rehab in New Jersey, please feel free to reach out at any point in time. We look forward to hearing from you and helping in any way we possibly can.


  • What are the dangers of combining buprenorphine and methadone?

Published on: 2020-10-11
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Can You Get High on Benadryl?

Benadryl is a common, over-the-counter allergy medication – one that can result in mild sedative effects or when taken in larger amounts, result in feelings of intoxication. Benadryl is sometimes abused by individuals who are looking for an inexpensive and easily accessible “high.” Earlier this month, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a warning revolving around the misuse of Benadryl. (1) The warning suggests that teenagers and young adults are often taking more than the recommended dose of the over-the-counter medication (more than 25 mg at a time), which is leading to a wide range of serious health-related issues and an increase in emergency room visits.


The FDA confirms that taking significantly more than 25 mg of Benadryl at one time leads to seizures, coma, serious heart problems, and overdose-related death. Those who take the medication in large amounts hoping to feel some level of euphoria are doing a significant amount of harm to their physical bodies – and sometimes this harm is irreparable. If you know someone who has been abusing Benadryl, seeking professional help is necessary to prevent serious issues from occurring down the road.

Is 75 mg of Benadryl too much?

For adults and teens, the diphenhydramine dosage is 25 to 50 mg every 4 to 6 hours. The maximum amount you should take in one day is 300 mg. Keep in mind, taking higher doses can increase the risk of side effects, including drowsiness.

Can Benadryl Get You High?

Many mistakenly believe that over-the-counter medications like Benadryl are safe to take in high doses because they can be purchased legally from pretty much any drug store or supermarket. The truth is, however, when antihistamine medications like Benadryl are taken in exceptionally high doses, yes it can result in intoxicating effects, and when abused consistently they can result in serious health-related issues. Teenagers and young adults commonly take the medication in high doses in hopes of achieving euphoric effects. Rather than producing feelings of euphoria, however, the drug simply has strong sedative effects. When more than the recommended dose is taken in one sitting, the individual who is taking the medication will likely feel groggy, disoriented, and fatigued.

Over-the-counter medication abuse

This medication is also commonly mixed with alcohol, which can be extremely dangerous. Those who mix Benadryl and alcohol might experience shallow breathing and respiratory depression, an irregular heartbeat, and an extreme lack of coordination. It is always dangerous to mix alcohol with over-the-counter medications of any kind, but mixing Benadryl and alcohol can be lethal. If you are concerned about the amount of Benadryl your loved one has been taking and you would like to learn more about allergy medication abuse, please feel free to reach out to us at any point in time.

Benadryl Pills

Addiction Recovery at Garden State Treatment Center

At Garden State Treatment Center, we serve men and women of all ages throughout the state of New Jersey and all surrounding areas. We treat substance abuse and dependence disorders of all kinds, from severe addiction involving life-threatening illicit substances like heroin or methamphetamine to dangerous and readily accessible substances like over-the-counter allergy medications like Benadryl. Because addiction is a progressive disease, it is not uncommon for individuals who abuse chemical substances like Benadryl to eventually progress to abusing more dangerous illicit substances. When it comes to substance abuse, it is always better to reach out for help before it is too late. If you have been suffering at the hands of a substance abuse disorder of any type of severity, we are available to help.

Our carefully developed program of addiction recovery was formulated by an experienced team of professionals, including licensed therapists, psychiatrists, addiction specialists, medical doctors, and prescribing physicians. Regardless of what substance you were actively abusing, our comprehensive recovery program will undeniably help you overcome addiction once and for all and go on to lead a happy and fulfilling life. To learn more about our recovery program or to get started on your journey of recovery, please feel free to give us a call at any point in time.


  • Can you get high on Benadryl?
  • Why do people snort Benadryl?
  • What is a safe dosage of Benadryl as not to get high?

Published on: 2020-10-04
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Does CBD Help With Benzodiazepine Detox?

Benzodiazepines are very powerful central nervous system depressants that are used to treat disorders such as seizures, anxiety, panic disorders, alcohol withdrawal, and are also used as a muscle relaxant during procedures. The big problem with benzodiazepines is that they are highly addictive.

Physical dependency on this kind of drug can happen even just after a few weeks of use. Once the effects wear off, a person’s brain with go into hyperactivation, which results in severe anxiety that can lead to insomnia and emotional instability. This is how many people develop an addiction to benzodiazepines.

Does CBD Help With Benzodiazepine Detox?

What benzodiazepines do in the brain

These drugs work on the body by modifying the GABA receptors in the brain. Our body uses GABA to control our stress levels and outbrain activity. Benzos attach to these GABA receptors and make the nerves in the brain less sensitive to outside stimulation.

Benzo Detox and CBD

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that comes from the hemp plant. CBD is seen as having therapeutic potential due to the say that it interacts without bodies.

CBD can potentially offer benefits for people who are dealing with the side effects of benzodiazepine withdrawal during detox. Those side effects can include severe anxiety, mood disturbances, muscle tremors, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting, sweating, weight loss, and even seizures.  CBD can help with many of these side effects including:

  • It acts as an anti-convulsant. CBD helps in relieving muscle tremors and tension and helps reduce this painful side effect during benzodiazepine detox. It helps by reducing inflammation that creates tension and it also mitigates our natural pain response.
  • CBD acts as anti-anxiety. It reduces the symptoms of anxiety, which is the primary symptom in benzo withdrawal.
  • CBD also acts as a mild sedative. This can help with insomnia that many people are affected by during detox by regulating a person’s sleep patterns. According to one study that observed whether CBD can be used for insomnia published by NIH stated that CBD helped to improve sleep for almost 67% of the patients. 79% of the patients also experienced less anxiety.
  • CBD also boosts GABA inhibitors. This means you can experience the anti-anxiety benefits without the painful and life-altering addiction and benzos cause.

It is very important to remember that the CBD industry is almost completely unrelated. While there is a decent amount of clinical data supporting the therapeutic properties of CBD, there is not enough to say that any of it is concrete evidence. The safest and most known way to detox off of benzodiazepines is with a medically assisted detox process. After prolonged use of benzos, the brain rewires itself. Withdrawal and detox symptoms can be highly intense.

Get the Help You Need

After a medical detox has been completed, the best and safest option to getting off of and stay off Benzodiazepines is by the use of one of Garden State’s many treatment programs. Our goal is to get you sober from any mind-altering substances and to show you how to live your life completely sober. Addiction isn’t an easy thing to deal with.

The good news is you do not have to face it on your own. Our admissions counselors and professionals are available around the clock. We are ready to help you or a loved one overcome the disease of addiction. Now is the time to change your life. Let us help you do it.


  • How long do edibles stay in your system?
  • How long are edibles detectable in your system?

Published on: 2020-09-30
Updated on: 2024-10-08

How to Find a Power Greater Than Ourselves

When you first enter the rooms of AA or NA you will hear a lot of talk about “God” and “Higher Power. This can be confusing and somewhat scary if you do not believe in God or don’t have a sense of what a “higher power” is and therefore can have a negative outlook on the whole thing.

How to Find a Power Greater Than Ourselves

The Higher Power in Twelve Steps

What is a Higher Power exactly? A Higher Power is a power greater than ourselves. It can be God, other conceptions of God.  For others, a higher power doesn’t have anything to do with religion. It’s just a connection that we may have with something. The benefit of having a Higher Power is the comfort of knowing that you do not, cannot, and will never be in control of anything in the universe, except yourself, and even then, we can sometimes need a lot of help. But in the end, It comes down to whatever works for you and what keeps you sober.

But how does one go about finding a power greater than ourselves? We are told to pray to our higher power but if you don’t have one, this can be confusing and may make you feel uncomfortable. There are some simple ways you can get on track to start finding your higher power.

  • Meditating – If you have never meditated before, you want to start small. There are many YouTube guided videos or apps that can help you through.
  • Selfless Acts – Being selfless is a big thing to us addicts since we were so used to being selfish in our addiction. By volunteering, being sober support, doing random acts of kindness, or just being a good friend, we can often feel that sense of gratitude and hope that is similar to that feeling of comfort and faith that a Higher Power can bring.

It can become very frustrating to accept the idea of a higher power and choosing one may be more difficult. Even though the fact that it may be tempting and easier to just avoid the whole higher power thing entirely, spirituality is a very important part of your recovery.

Spirituality and Addiction Recovery

There has been researching that shows that aspects of spirituality are associated with positive outcomes for trauma survivors, including those who are suffering from depression and PTSD. Most times, addiction is a symptom of trauma, difficult life experiences, and other obstacles that people are otherwise unable to cope with. Not to mention the trauma that is also caused by addition. Cultivating a healthy spirituality may create meaning and purpose for living, and help individuals cope with difficult life circumstances and trauma.

The concept of a higher power you will see throughout your literature as you go through the 12-steps. After you complete the Steps the same concepts can help guide you through your life in recovery as challenges arise and when “life shows up”.

If you don’t believe in God, it is still important that you choose a higher power that is special and means something to you. There is no need to feel pressured by others as to what they think it should be. This is your choice.

If you’re struggling to define your own higher power while working through a 12-step program, here are some ideas to get you started.

  • Nature – The Mountains, ocean, or just the trees that surround you on your morning walk could be a great higher power.
  • Love
  • Music/Art – Listening to music or creating art is a very spiritual experience. It can relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and help people express strong emotions and feelings that some people may attempt to cloak with drug and alcohol abuse out of fear or an inability to express them.
  • Journaling

Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

As mentioned before whatever your path is to recovery is up to you but your first step is to be set free from the chains of addiction and we at Garden State Treatment Center can help. We are run by New Jersey natives and many of our addiction specialists are in recovery themselves. Our evidence-based treatment programs have helped countless men and women overcome addiction. Please contact us today if you or someone you love is suffering the pain of addiction.


  • What does it mean “How to Find a Power Greater Than Ourselves”? What is a power, and how do you find it?

Published on: 2020-09-06
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Can You Get High on Propofol?

Propofol is general anesthesia that is used in surgeries. This drug’s other legal use is for lethal injections during executions. It puts people into a semi coma-like state and is very quick-acting rendering people unconscious within 40 seconds. The thing is, with Propofol, unless it is continually given intravenously, a person will wake up within four or five minutes.

Can You Get High on Propofol?

Why is Propofol Abused?

You can get high on Propofol. When people inject it in smaller amounts, the effects of Propofol are similar to the effects of alcohol. People will often feel giddy, lose inhibitions, feel spacey, and mellow. When Propofol is injected in therapeutic amounts, people will lose consciousness and when they wake up they will be in a euphoric state. Oddly enough, this drug is not listed as a controlled substance and not on the US government’s list of regulated drugs, making this drug highly abused by healthcare workers. This is because it is so easy to steal. People also use this to get high because Propofol does not show up in urine tests and effects only last for a few minutes.

One of the biggest dangers of using Propofol is that all it takes is just a little too much to overdose and die. Just four teaspoons are all it takes to be fatal. This drug is actually what caused the death of the famous Michael Jackson. It has been confirmed that Michael Jackson abused it to get to sleep. Ever since Jackson’s death on July 25, 2009, the abuse of Propofol has been brought into the public eye. That also means more people are experimenting with it.

Propofol Has No Antidote

Unlike most other drugs out there, Propofol does not have an antidote. This means if you overdose, no medicine will be able to bring you back. People also tend to injure themselves in falls or collapses because it is so fast-acting.

It is not still completely clear if Propofol is addictive or not. They can, however, cause withdrawal symptoms, which may include irregular or fast heartbeat, tremors, hallucinations, confusion, agitation, and a fever and a person can even remain in a delusional state for up to seven days. According to some medical professionals, the withdrawal symptoms are similar to withdrawal from benzodiazepines.

Get the Help You Need

When a person abusing Propofol finally finds the courage to enter a treatment center and get the help they need, they will go through many different steps to get themselves set up for success back in the real world. An abuser will first need to go through detoxification to rid their body of the drugs that are in their system. Once you have detoxed, the best and safest option to getting off and staying off Propofol is by the use of one of the many treatment programs we offer Garden State Treatment Center.

We offer many different treatment programs that provide therapeutic education and guidance for each individual to help them safely reintegrate into society. With the help of our team of therapists, we offer one on one, group therapy, as well as many other specialized options to fit each person’s needs. We want to make sure you have the tools you need to avoid relapse in the real world.

Addiction isn’t an easy thing to face. Luckily you do not have to face it on your own. Our admissions counselors and professionals are available around the clock. We are ready to help you or a loved one overcome the disease of addiction. Now is the time to change your life. Let us help you do it.

Published on: 2020-08-14
Updated on: 2024-10-08

Abscesses from Intravenous Drug Abuse

Intravenous administration of drugs is the riskiest way to use drugs. When you street drugs, the majority of the risk is related to the needle. The drugs are dangerous, and usually, there’s no way to know how strong they are or what else may be in them. It’s even unsafe to use them along with other substances like alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs.

Some drugs that can be injected are:

  • Bath Salts
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Ecstasy
  • Ketamine
  • PCP
  • Prescription drugs like Vicodin and Adderall

Using drugs intravenously, a person has most likely a progressed form of addiction. Besides addiction to the drug, being more likely to overdose, many other major health concerns follow the repeated injection of drugs.

Abscesses from Intravenous Drug Abuse

Dangers of Abscesses from Injecting Drugs

Besides viruses, other health issues can come over time with repeated injection of drugs. There is the damage that can be done to internal organs of course but there are many different types of damage a user can do to their skin as well. This can be a result of injecting regularly, using potentially tainted needles, or injecting into fat or muscle by accident due to missing the vein, and injected right under the skin called “skin popping.” This can result in a painful lump that could potentially cut off blood flow to the area.

Other skins problems that can arise are:

  • Heavy bruising
  • Abscesses
  • Severe bacterial skin infections like cellulitis
  • Fungal infections

Bacterial infections can cause serious complications and even death. If not treated. One such common bacterial infection is abscessed. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), abscesses are subcutaneous masses, filled with pus and debris, resulting from one’s bodily defenses against an outside infectious agent. Abscesses result from the introduction of an infectious agent, often Staphylococcus aureus, into the body through unsterile injection equipment or unclean skin.

As time goes on and the skin gets infected, the body’s immune system tries to fight the infection, which causes inflammation from white blood cells sent to the infection site. Pus forms from the resulting mixture of germs, dead tissue, and white blood cells, both dead and living.

Whether at home or a medical center, abscesses must be treated. Applying Keeping it free from contamination and warm compresses are important steps to take. A doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to treat an abscess that is large or has become infected.

Recognizing an Abscesses

Abscesses are usually easy to recognize. Abscesses are typical:

  • A round or oval-shaped mass with dark puss at the center
  • Located anywhere on the body, but mostly at or around the injection site
  • Painful, swollen, and tender to the touch
  • If allowed to grow unchecked, the abscess may spread into the bloodstream or into deeper tissues, where the septic contents can create further health complications

Complications of an Untreated Abscesses

Though skin abscesses can resolve on their own, they can lead to the following complications if left untreated:

  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Sepsis, or the spreading of the infection throughout the body
  • Skin tissue death (gangrene and possible limb amputation)
  • Endocarditis (inflammation of the heart lining)
  • Infection of the bone (osteomyelitis)
  • Recurrent skin infection
  • Death

Treating an IV Drug Use Abscesses

If an intravenous drug user is unable or unwilling to visit a physician for treatment, smaller, more superficial abscesses can be treated at home. Larger abscesses, or abscesses with surrounding red streaks, will need to be treated professionally.

There are many addiction treatment centers in New Jersey, but what makes Garden State Treatment Center different is our commitment to your success. From the moment a client steps through our doors, you’ll have our unmatched attention. We believe that being with you every step of the way throughout the early recovery process is the key to avoiding relapse or pitfall. Get help now at Garden State Treatment Center.

Published on: 2020-08-12
Updated on: 2024-10-08